• The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, ’The children are now working as if I did not exist.’

    ~ Maria Montessori

Head Directress - Marie Wurdeman

Head Directress - Marie Wurdeman

I have been in education since 1989, but studying and woking in Montessori education since 2007. I've worked in all the age groups up to 9 years old, but enjoy the 3-6 class the most. No matter how poorly you feel in the morning, the kids just lift your spirit and make you smile. With such a job, who would ever want to retire?!

Directress 3-6 - Kim Syfers

Directress 3-6 - Kim Syfers

I am 26 years of age and reside in Mossel Bay. I am currently completing my NQF level 5, 3 to 6 Montessori Early Childhood Development Teachers Training at Lynedoch, Stellenbosch. I have a great passion for physical fitness and a unconditional love for children. I believe " The soul is healed by being with children" - Fyodo Dostoyevsky.

3-6 Class & Aftercare Assistant - Stella Nkopane

3-6 Class & Aftercare Assistant - Stella Nkopane

I am 30 years old, I have worked for Eden Montessori for 3 years now and I love to work with children. I hope one day I will be a teacher.

3-6 Class Directress - René Pitt

3-6 Class Directress - René Pitt

Born 30 November 1993, René is an outgoing and confident young woman and has a strong belief in good life morals. She attended Glenwood House Independent School in George and has subsequently achieved the following goals: ETA (Exercise Teachers Academy): National Diploma in Coaching Science, as well as a National Diploma in Sport & Recreational Management . UNISA: ABET Teaching. René loves outdoors and sports as she believes it refreshes and revitalizes the body and mind. She has a passion for kids and it is evident through her work.

3-6 Class & Aftercare Assistant - Elsabé Pieterse

3-6 Class & Aftercare Assistant - Elsabé Pieterse

I have worked for Eden Montessori for 5 years and am currently the 3-6 class assistant. I love working with the children and hope one day to be a teacher.

School Secretary - Ingrid Wurdeman

School Secretary - Ingrid Wurdeman

I am the school secretary, and as such have the opportunity to interact with most of the children in our school. I have experience in retail administration, and am currently studying Web Development through UNISA. Please feel free to contact me with any queries you may have.